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Reading Minds: Cameras and AI are Decoding Our Thoughts

Reading minds is within reach with AI.
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.
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We now have machines that can read our minds. Using cameras and AI to analyze facial muscles, expressions, and movements of our faces, they break down what we’re thinking at any given moment. And these machines examine the quality of people’s voices when interpreting what people think. The result? A more advanced understanding of human psychology could improve everything from customer service to learning how to better relate to others. With tech for reading minds, cameras and Artificial Intelligence can unlock your deepest secrets and what you’re thinking… before you say it aloud.

Facial recognition and voice analysis

Many companies now use facial recognition software to help identify emotions. It’s no surprise, given how close we are to our devices. Facial recognition software analyzes people’s muscle movements when interpreting what people are thinking and breaking down thoughts. It’s similar to how AI scans our faces to add filters for social media.

Except, in this case, the AI extrapolates information by examining our facial muscles, expressions, and movements. The technology is still new, but it has the potential to be a powerful tool for understanding people’s emotional states.

The machines also analyze the quality of people’s voices when interpreting what people are thinking. It doesn’t matter if they speak, whisper, or how fast they talk. The machines can read minds by analyzing the vocal patterns of their speech to determine exactly what they’re feeling at that moment.

Reading minds as we advance

It’s an exciting time to be alive, with this technology still in its infancy. We can’t wait to see how it continues to evolve in the future. For example, what if the technology was implanted in a chip? Imagine being able to communicate verbally again without opening your mouth or using a keyboard- just by thinking!

That is exactly what’s happening. Using similar technology to mind-reading machines, a startup in Brooklyn has developed a chip. Researchers implanted an AI-powered chip into an ALS patient’s brain and will translate their thoughts into text.

Even if the idea of AI reading minds disturbs you, the truth is there’s a lot to be gained from this technology. There’s much to be excited about, from applications for people with disabilities to the convenience of AI that knows what you want. The field of psychology, for example, could greatly benefit from this technology.

Reading minds with AI could go south

 In China right now, high-ranking members of the Communist Party are required to use a similar machine on a regular basis so that the party can verify their devotion. This is the type of dystopian application we need to avoid for this technology.

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